
Where to begin! This blog was a long time coming...

It has also changed A LOT... it went from my fitness world to life, to sadness and heart break it is now a part of my life and I want it to be a major part. In the last 10 years of my life I have had many highs and many lows... everything has shaped who I am and I wouldn't change any of them... there are some things that I would have done differently if I had the information about life that I do right now... but when you make decisions you have to make them for who you are and the moment you are living in... which means everything led me to this place... shaped this girl... and for that I am thankful. Because this girl is on a mission... I am on a mission to not wait anymore, I want to see things, I want to say yes, I want to have a chance to try everything at least once and stop letting my own personal limitations and restrictions rule my life. I have spent my whole life trying to be the perfect person, the perfect daughter and in that I didn't find myself... I only lost myself... so I sit here writing this about me section hoping that with every ounce of my being you do something FOR YOU... and that you think for yourself... for some of us, being a people pleaser is ingrained in every bone in our body and we can't shake it... but I am trying to shake it... I don't want to turn thirty and never say yes to anything... some recent events have led me to a place where I want adventure... I want to be the girl I always wanted to be and I wanted someone to help me become. I understand now that in all this time, the only person that needed to help me... was me.
From a girl who was afraid of the world to a girl who is ready to get everything she ever wanted... follow me along because the road was bumpy to get here...but I can only hope that it's going to get a lot more fun.

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